Development of Lightweight, Floatable Concrete


CSU 253/254/255

Start Date

12-4-2004 1:45 PM

End Date

12-4-2004 3:15 PM

Student's Major

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

W. James Wilde

Mentor's Department

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


This study involved developing and testing various concrete mixes to use in the construction of a concrete canoe. The canoe will be raced in competition; therefore, the aspects of design focus heavily on minimizing the weight of the concrete. The goal of this project is to develop concrete that is close to the unit weight of water so that it will float and, at the same time, maintain a high strength. The testing involved strength, weight, and permeability for each mix developed. The unit weight of the concrete was reduced by using lightweight aggregate instead of rock and gravel. The lightweight aggregate that was used includes plastic beads and glass bubbles. Permeability was also considered to ensure that water would not seep through the concrete.

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Apr 12th, 1:45 PM Apr 12th, 3:15 PM

Development of Lightweight, Floatable Concrete

CSU 253/254/255

This study involved developing and testing various concrete mixes to use in the construction of a concrete canoe. The canoe will be raced in competition; therefore, the aspects of design focus heavily on minimizing the weight of the concrete. The goal of this project is to develop concrete that is close to the unit weight of water so that it will float and, at the same time, maintain a high strength. The testing involved strength, weight, and permeability for each mix developed. The unit weight of the concrete was reduced by using lightweight aggregate instead of rock and gravel. The lightweight aggregate that was used includes plastic beads and glass bubbles. Permeability was also considered to ensure that water would not seep through the concrete.