Silvemale Mississippian/Woodland Culture Site: Comparison of Midden Pits Between Block One and Block Four


CSU 253/254/255

Start Date

13-4-2004 12:45 PM

End Date

13-4-2004 2:45 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Ron Schirmer

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The Silvenale Dig (21GD03) on the Canon Valley Trail near Red Wing offers an extensive look at what may be a seasonal habitation area for several different groups of Late Woodland or Early Mississippian cultures. Excavation in Blocks One and Four showed mottled soil at around 40cm that appeared to have cultural attributes. Choosing to dig further, in the 40-50cm level we discovered a variety of artifacts in both blocks at the same level that may be indicative of a midden deposit. The purpose of my research is to determine if these areas were indeed midden deposits, and if so, to analyze and compare the two. I will be using field reports from earlier excavations at this site and ones similar to it. I will also be using the expanding computerized artifact cataloging system to aid my research. Efforts towards completing the catalog are still underway as we have not yet entered all the artifacts from the site yet.

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Apr 13th, 12:45 PM Apr 13th, 2:45 PM

Silvemale Mississippian/Woodland Culture Site: Comparison of Midden Pits Between Block One and Block Four

CSU 253/254/255

The Silvenale Dig (21GD03) on the Canon Valley Trail near Red Wing offers an extensive look at what may be a seasonal habitation area for several different groups of Late Woodland or Early Mississippian cultures. Excavation in Blocks One and Four showed mottled soil at around 40cm that appeared to have cultural attributes. Choosing to dig further, in the 40-50cm level we discovered a variety of artifacts in both blocks at the same level that may be indicative of a midden deposit. The purpose of my research is to determine if these areas were indeed midden deposits, and if so, to analyze and compare the two. I will be using field reports from earlier excavations at this site and ones similar to it. I will also be using the expanding computerized artifact cataloging system to aid my research. Efforts towards completing the catalog are still underway as we have not yet entered all the artifacts from the site yet.