Microelectromechanical Power Sources


CSU 201

Start Date

25-4-2005 1:15 PM

End Date

25-4-2005 3:00 PM

Student's Major

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Patrick Tebbe

Mentor's Department

Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Microelectromechanical power sources (MEMS) are Microsystems which produce power or pump heat. A microsystem is a structure of characteristic dimension which is less than a centimeter and can be as small as a few nanometers. These devices are dependant on energy sources to carry out their function. This paper reviews advancements in MEMS technology and energy sources which are used to power them. The applications, efficiencies and feasibility of these MEMS power sources are also reviewed in this paper.

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Apr 25th, 1:15 PM Apr 25th, 3:00 PM

Microelectromechanical Power Sources

CSU 201

Microelectromechanical power sources (MEMS) are Microsystems which produce power or pump heat. A microsystem is a structure of characteristic dimension which is less than a centimeter and can be as small as a few nanometers. These devices are dependant on energy sources to carry out their function. This paper reviews advancements in MEMS technology and energy sources which are used to power them. The applications, efficiencies and feasibility of these MEMS power sources are also reviewed in this paper.

Recommended Citation

Okoth, Marion O.. "Microelectromechanical Power Sources." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 25, 2005.