New Arrivals in Minnesota: A Comparative Analysis on White-European and Ethnic Minority Views on New Hmong Refugees


CSU 285

Start Date

25-4-2005 3:15 PM

End Date

25-4-2005 5:30 PM

Student's Major

Ethnic Studies

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Yueh-Ting Lee

Mentor's Department

Ethnic Studies

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


As the demographics of the United States continue to evolve, so have the perceptions of refugees and/or immigrants entering this land of opportunity. Americans, who had lived on this land before any newcomers, are feeling a sense of fear when the news of refugees or immigrants is arriving in the nation. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the difference in the perspectives of the White-European majority and ethnic minority populations on the recently arrive Hmong refugees from Thailand. In addition, discover whether attitudes toward the established Hmong population changed due to the influx of refugees. Individuals from different ethnic groups from the Saint Paul and Minneapolis areas took a survey about the Hmong population in the area and the recent Hmong refugees.

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Apr 25th, 3:15 PM Apr 25th, 5:30 PM

New Arrivals in Minnesota: A Comparative Analysis on White-European and Ethnic Minority Views on New Hmong Refugees

CSU 285

As the demographics of the United States continue to evolve, so have the perceptions of refugees and/or immigrants entering this land of opportunity. Americans, who had lived on this land before any newcomers, are feeling a sense of fear when the news of refugees or immigrants is arriving in the nation. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the difference in the perspectives of the White-European majority and ethnic minority populations on the recently arrive Hmong refugees from Thailand. In addition, discover whether attitudes toward the established Hmong population changed due to the influx of refugees. Individuals from different ethnic groups from the Saint Paul and Minneapolis areas took a survey about the Hmong population in the area and the recent Hmong refugees.