The 6th annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato provides an exciting opportunity for the University to showcase the research and creative activity of our undergraduate students. Abstracts of these oral, performance, or visual arts projects and posters accepted for presentation are contained in this formal publication. We applaud the work of these students and the committed faculty members who served as mentors and encourage faculty, students, staff and guests to attend the formal presentations that will take place in the Centennial Student Union on April 24 and 25, 2006. Our vision to be known as a university where people expect to go further than they thought possible is clearly demonstrated by these students and faculty. The entire University community celebrates the achievements of these outstanding undergraduate students and congratulates all participating students and their faculty mentors.

Browse the contents of 2006 Undergraduate Research Conference:

Abstract Booklet
Complete Listing of Abstracts, Sessions, and a Schedule of Events for the 2006 Undergraduate Research Conference
Oral Session A
Psychology, Social Work, and Speech Communication
Oral Session B
Business and Economics
Oral Session C
Art and Mass Communications
Oral Session D
Biological Sciences and Chemistry
Oral Session E
Oral Session F
Speech Communication
Oral Session G
Oral Session H
Oral Session I
History, Anthropology, Sociology, and Philosophy
Oral Session J
History, Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, and Humanities
Oral Session K
Oral Session L
Women Studies
Oral Session M
Geography and Physics
Oral Session N
Computer Information Systems
Poster Session A
Poster Session B
Poster Session C
Poster Session D
Poster Session E