Dietary Assessment of Underclass Students in Residence Halls


CSU North Ballroom

Start Date

24-4-2006 1:30 PM

End Date

24-4-2006 3:30 PM

Student's Major

Family Consumer Science

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Sue Fredstrom

Mentor's Department

Family Consumer Science

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


Students attending college have a wide variety of eating habits, many of which are not good for their health. Fifty students, all from one section of Nutrition I, were asked to keep a record of their food intake for three days, and asked to fill out a survey on their diets. The subjects then met with a dietetic student for a short interview to go over the diet record and take height and weight measurements. The information given in the three-day diet record was then entered into the Food Processor computer program to be analyzed. Results showed that many students are not getting balanced diets and often do not consume as much of several nutrients as they need. In a previous study, students living off campus had intakes low in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Thus far, our results show similar poor intakes of fruits and vegetables for current on-campus students, even though their meals are provided in the dining centers. Further analysis of the intake records is planned.

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Apr 24th, 1:30 PM Apr 24th, 3:30 PM

Dietary Assessment of Underclass Students in Residence Halls

CSU North Ballroom

Students attending college have a wide variety of eating habits, many of which are not good for their health. Fifty students, all from one section of Nutrition I, were asked to keep a record of their food intake for three days, and asked to fill out a survey on their diets. The subjects then met with a dietetic student for a short interview to go over the diet record and take height and weight measurements. The information given in the three-day diet record was then entered into the Food Processor computer program to be analyzed. Results showed that many students are not getting balanced diets and often do not consume as much of several nutrients as they need. In a previous study, students living off campus had intakes low in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Thus far, our results show similar poor intakes of fruits and vegetables for current on-campus students, even though their meals are provided in the dining centers. Further analysis of the intake records is planned.

Recommended Citation

Baier, Katherine; Rachel Valesano; and Lucia Rhodes. "Dietary Assessment of Underclass Students in Residence Halls." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2006.