Investigating the Perceived Present and Future Benefits of Using Accounting Related Software in Account Courses


CSU 201

Start Date

24-4-2007 8:15 AM

End Date

24-4-2007 10:30 AM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Vicki Luoma

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



Accounting-related software is commonly used in higher-level accounting courses to enhance students' understanding of basic accounting and auditing principles. The research focused on determining how accounting students and professionals viewed the usefulness of the accounting-related software currently taught in courses at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Students rated the usefulness of the software in terms of helping them understand the course material and providing future benefits in the workplace. The survey also asked students for suggestions about other accounting-related software that would be beneficial to integrate into their coursework. Professionals were surveyed on the proficiency of recent graduates in the accounting-related software taught in undergraduate courses and the benefits of including such software in accounting courses. In addition, professionals listed the types of software they would prefer be taught in accounting courses at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

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Apr 24th, 8:15 AM Apr 24th, 10:30 AM

Investigating the Perceived Present and Future Benefits of Using Accounting Related Software in Account Courses

CSU 201

Accounting-related software is commonly used in higher-level accounting courses to enhance students' understanding of basic accounting and auditing principles. The research focused on determining how accounting students and professionals viewed the usefulness of the accounting-related software currently taught in courses at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Students rated the usefulness of the software in terms of helping them understand the course material and providing future benefits in the workplace. The survey also asked students for suggestions about other accounting-related software that would be beneficial to integrate into their coursework. Professionals were surveyed on the proficiency of recent graduates in the accounting-related software taught in undergraduate courses and the benefits of including such software in accounting courses. In addition, professionals listed the types of software they would prefer be taught in accounting courses at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Recommended Citation

Sieben, Jolene and Christina Emmert. "Investigating the Perceived Present and Future Benefits of Using Accounting Related Software in Account Courses." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2007.