Reassessing Pornography and Silence by Susan Griffin, Feminist Critiques 25 Years Later


CSU 204

Start Date

24-4-2007 10:30 AM

End Date

24-4-2007 12:30 PM

Student's Major

Gender and Women's Studies

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Jocelyn Fenton Stitt

Mentor's Department

Gender and Women's Studies

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Susan Griffin's book titled Pornography and Silence: Culture's Revenge Against Nature was published in 1981. This book studied how pornography was a problem for many women during this time period. Susan Griffin studied different types of pornography in this book including pornographic books, X-rated movies and magazines. Griffin also touched on sadomasochism and how it had become somewhat of an epidemic in our society. Griffin believed that the images found in pornography are inhumane and unfair to women. The ideas in Susan Griffin's book will be studied and compared to several current feminist views of pornography. How have feminist views of pornography changed over the course of 25 years using Susan Griffin's book as a view from the past? Do feminists today still believe that sadomasochism is a problem in our society? Do they still believe that pornography is inhumane and unfair to women? Are there feminist writers today that take the same stance on pornography as Susan Griffin? Naked Ambition by Carly Milne (2005) is an example of a book that takes an opposite stance on pornography as Susan Griffin. The author of this book believes that women today are changing pornography and becoming more in control of the business and declaring their sexuality publicly. Carly Milne doesn't believe that women are silenced in pornography but that they are empowered by it. Through examining feminist responses to pornography in these two time periods I will identify areas that have changed and areas that have stayed the same.

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Apr 24th, 10:30 AM Apr 24th, 12:30 PM

Reassessing Pornography and Silence by Susan Griffin, Feminist Critiques 25 Years Later

CSU 204

Susan Griffin's book titled Pornography and Silence: Culture's Revenge Against Nature was published in 1981. This book studied how pornography was a problem for many women during this time period. Susan Griffin studied different types of pornography in this book including pornographic books, X-rated movies and magazines. Griffin also touched on sadomasochism and how it had become somewhat of an epidemic in our society. Griffin believed that the images found in pornography are inhumane and unfair to women. The ideas in Susan Griffin's book will be studied and compared to several current feminist views of pornography. How have feminist views of pornography changed over the course of 25 years using Susan Griffin's book as a view from the past? Do feminists today still believe that sadomasochism is a problem in our society? Do they still believe that pornography is inhumane and unfair to women? Are there feminist writers today that take the same stance on pornography as Susan Griffin? Naked Ambition by Carly Milne (2005) is an example of a book that takes an opposite stance on pornography as Susan Griffin. The author of this book believes that women today are changing pornography and becoming more in control of the business and declaring their sexuality publicly. Carly Milne doesn't believe that women are silenced in pornography but that they are empowered by it. Through examining feminist responses to pornography in these two time periods I will identify areas that have changed and areas that have stayed the same.

Recommended Citation

Meyers, Nicole. "Reassessing Pornography and Silence by Susan Griffin, Feminist Critiques 25 Years Later." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2007.