Comparison of Effects of Corn Gluten and Distillers Grain on the Germination of Lettuce and Green Bean Seeds


CSU 253/4/5

Start Date

24-4-2007 10:30 AM

End Date

24-4-2007 12:30 PM

Student's Major

Biological Sciences

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Beth Proctor

Mentor's Department

Biological Sciences

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Com Gluten is a byproduct of the manufacture of corn syrup and com starch. Since 1999 it has been used as an organic herbicide that prevents germination of weeds. Production of ethanol from com is an expanding business in the upper mid west. A byproduct of ethanol production from corn is distiller's grain. The purpose of our research was to determine if distiller's grain and corn gluten would reduce germination and growth of lettuce and green beans. In the spring of 2006 lettuce and green beans seeds were planted in flats and placed in the green house. Three flats planted with beans (42 bean seeds/flat) and three flats planted with lettuce (200 lettuce seeds/flat) were treated with corn gluten at the recommended application rate of 20 pounds/ 1000 ft 2 (or 0.063 grams/ in2). Three flats of beans and lettuce were also treated with distiller's grain at the same rate of application as corn gluten and three flats of beans and lettuce were controls (untreated). The number of seeds that germinated was recorded daily for two weeks. Plants were watered as needed. We will discuss the results of our study.

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Apr 24th, 10:30 AM Apr 24th, 12:30 PM

Comparison of Effects of Corn Gluten and Distillers Grain on the Germination of Lettuce and Green Bean Seeds

CSU 253/4/5

Com Gluten is a byproduct of the manufacture of corn syrup and com starch. Since 1999 it has been used as an organic herbicide that prevents germination of weeds. Production of ethanol from com is an expanding business in the upper mid west. A byproduct of ethanol production from corn is distiller's grain. The purpose of our research was to determine if distiller's grain and corn gluten would reduce germination and growth of lettuce and green beans. In the spring of 2006 lettuce and green beans seeds were planted in flats and placed in the green house. Three flats planted with beans (42 bean seeds/flat) and three flats planted with lettuce (200 lettuce seeds/flat) were treated with corn gluten at the recommended application rate of 20 pounds/ 1000 ft 2 (or 0.063 grams/ in2). Three flats of beans and lettuce were also treated with distiller's grain at the same rate of application as corn gluten and three flats of beans and lettuce were controls (untreated). The number of seeds that germinated was recorded daily for two weeks. Plants were watered as needed. We will discuss the results of our study.

Recommended Citation

Stocker, Christine. "Comparison of Effects of Corn Gluten and Distillers Grain on the Germination of Lettuce and Green Bean Seeds." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 24, 2007.