Support of Alums within the Forensics Community


CSU 255

Start Date

22-4-2008 10:30 AM

End Date

22-4-2008 12:00 PM

Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Leah White

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


My research project is examining former Forensics competitors who still remain in Academia and their support or lack there of for Forensics programs. This is significant due to a continued loss of Forensics programs nation wide. Many of these former competitors and now faculty members have a great influence on a university's decision to keep and continually support its Forensics program. Without a university's support many head coaches must strain to try and keep a program alive. The attrition of other coaches can put additional strain of a head coach. These strains often lead to burnout of a coach or coaches. Forensics is an educational activity. Students who participate in Forensics learn how to write and compose speeches, how to dress professionally, and how to improve their public speaking skills. In addition many students gain confidence though the activity, which translates into confidence in the classroom. Forensics is an outlet for students to write or compose a speech on topics important to them. I will use quantitative research for this project. Composing and sending out online surveys to gather information from these former competitors. The surveys will consist of open ended and closed ended questions, in a likert style. The surveys will be designed in an unbiased fashion. This should allow for the research to lead me to how each person's personal experiences affect their support to Forensics programs. Follow up interviews on selected individuals may be conducted to further understanding of participant's answers.

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Apr 22nd, 10:30 AM Apr 22nd, 12:00 PM

Support of Alums within the Forensics Community

CSU 255

My research project is examining former Forensics competitors who still remain in Academia and their support or lack there of for Forensics programs. This is significant due to a continued loss of Forensics programs nation wide. Many of these former competitors and now faculty members have a great influence on a university's decision to keep and continually support its Forensics program. Without a university's support many head coaches must strain to try and keep a program alive. The attrition of other coaches can put additional strain of a head coach. These strains often lead to burnout of a coach or coaches. Forensics is an educational activity. Students who participate in Forensics learn how to write and compose speeches, how to dress professionally, and how to improve their public speaking skills. In addition many students gain confidence though the activity, which translates into confidence in the classroom. Forensics is an outlet for students to write or compose a speech on topics important to them. I will use quantitative research for this project. Composing and sending out online surveys to gather information from these former competitors. The surveys will consist of open ended and closed ended questions, in a likert style. The surveys will be designed in an unbiased fashion. This should allow for the research to lead me to how each person's personal experiences affect their support to Forensics programs. Follow up interviews on selected individuals may be conducted to further understanding of participant's answers.

Recommended Citation

Anderson, Grant. "Support of Alums within the Forensics Community." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 22, 2008.