TBI: One Child's Road


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

21-4-2008 10:00 AM

End Date

21-4-2008 12:00 PM

Student's Major

Speech, Hearing, and Rehabilitation Services

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Bonnie B. Lund

Mentor's Department

Speech, Hearing, and Rehabilitation Services

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) results from head injuries in 1.4 million cases each year. There are three categories of TBI: mild, moderate, and severe. There are many ways to sustain a TBI. Some of the most common ways to acquire a TBI are falls, motor vehicle accidents, or bicycle accidents. The purpose of this research was to understand a family's experience with having a child with TBI. One mother of a child with TBI was interviewed and the interview was transcribed verbatim. Some question that were asked were; how has your family dealt with the disorder, what changes have you seen your son go through since his diagnosis, and do you think that having a TBI will affect his future lifestyle? Using qualitative inquiry, the transcript was coded, categories were formed, patterns emerged, and an assertion was made.

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Apr 21st, 10:00 AM Apr 21st, 12:00 PM

TBI: One Child's Road

CSU Ballroom

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) results from head injuries in 1.4 million cases each year. There are three categories of TBI: mild, moderate, and severe. There are many ways to sustain a TBI. Some of the most common ways to acquire a TBI are falls, motor vehicle accidents, or bicycle accidents. The purpose of this research was to understand a family's experience with having a child with TBI. One mother of a child with TBI was interviewed and the interview was transcribed verbatim. Some question that were asked were; how has your family dealt with the disorder, what changes have you seen your son go through since his diagnosis, and do you think that having a TBI will affect his future lifestyle? Using qualitative inquiry, the transcript was coded, categories were formed, patterns emerged, and an assertion was made.

Recommended Citation

Elliott, Amber. "TBI: One Child's Road." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2008.