History of Sexual Assaults at MNSU and the Legal Liability for Them


CSU 201

Start Date

27-4-2009 1:00 PM

End Date

27-4-2009 3:00 PM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Vicki Luoma

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



After the recent sexual assaults on campus, we decided to look further into the history of this issue and how it has affected MNSU's students and the administration. Prior research has shown that colleges can be held liable for sexual assaults that have occurred on campus under Title VII. Our research focused on the frequency of sexual assaults and what action has been taken to address these attacks. Our research examined whether MNSU has been or could have been held liable, as well as what security measures have or will the University take to resolve these issues. We have collected data from various resources including the Minnesota State University, Mankato Security, The Women's Center, and the library, Mankato public library, and the Mankato Police Department. 64

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Apr 27th, 1:00 PM Apr 27th, 3:00 PM

History of Sexual Assaults at MNSU and the Legal Liability for Them

CSU 201

After the recent sexual assaults on campus, we decided to look further into the history of this issue and how it has affected MNSU's students and the administration. Prior research has shown that colleges can be held liable for sexual assaults that have occurred on campus under Title VII. Our research focused on the frequency of sexual assaults and what action has been taken to address these attacks. Our research examined whether MNSU has been or could have been held liable, as well as what security measures have or will the University take to resolve these issues. We have collected data from various resources including the Minnesota State University, Mankato Security, The Women's Center, and the library, Mankato public library, and the Mankato Police Department. 64

Recommended Citation

Brommel, Robert; Thomas Homan; Nicole Comstock; Molly Cunningham; Thomas Lyon; and Tim Hansen. "History of Sexual Assaults at MNSU and the Legal Liability for Them." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 27, 2009.