Transition Services for Youth: Are the Services Working?
CSU 204
Start Date
27-4-2009 1:00 PM
End Date
27-4-2009 3:00 PM
Student's Major
Social Work
Student's College
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Mentor's Name
Laurie Strunk
Mentor's Department
Social Work
Mentor's College
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Every year in the United States approximately 20,000 youth "age out" of the foster care system and move into independent adult life (Courtney, M. & Dworsky, A., 2005). In the spring of 2007, Minnesota legislation passed a bill granting an 11 south central counties region 1 million dollars to improve services for children who qualify for children's mental health services. The South Central Children's Mental Health Initiative (SCCMHI) was created as a pilot project under this legislation. The SCCMHI was directed to evaluate and plan for service improvement in the following three categories: transition services for youth (ages 16-21), crisis response to mental health needs and integrated services for complex conditions. This research project explains how the transition services were developed and implemented in the 11 county region and discusses the results of the transition services provided to date.
Transition Services for Youth: Are the Services Working?
CSU 204
Every year in the United States approximately 20,000 youth "age out" of the foster care system and move into independent adult life (Courtney, M. & Dworsky, A., 2005). In the spring of 2007, Minnesota legislation passed a bill granting an 11 south central counties region 1 million dollars to improve services for children who qualify for children's mental health services. The South Central Children's Mental Health Initiative (SCCMHI) was created as a pilot project under this legislation. The SCCMHI was directed to evaluate and plan for service improvement in the following three categories: transition services for youth (ages 16-21), crisis response to mental health needs and integrated services for complex conditions. This research project explains how the transition services were developed and implemented in the 11 county region and discusses the results of the transition services provided to date.
Recommended Citation
Duale, Ilhan. "Transition Services for Youth: Are the Services Working?." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 27, 2009.