Proposal on How to Tax Motorists


CSU 201

Start Date

28-4-2009 9:00 AM

End Date

28-4-2009 11:00 AM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Vicki Luoma

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



There has been a new proposal brought to the public's attention by the United States Transportation Secretary, regarding the taxes that motorists pay. This proposal considers taxing motorists on how many miles they drive, rather than how much gasoline they actually go through. There has been a lot of negative feedback regarding this proposal, and many also feel that is could be a long term solution to help and to benefit the United State's transportation system. This tax, if passed, could help keep the highways up to date, and also keep them as safe as possible. There are many pros and cons that go along with this proposal, and the country's current economic state has a lot to do with it. The public most defiantly has their own opinions about this matter, and many things need to be weighted and considered when deciding on this proposal.

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Apr 28th, 9:00 AM Apr 28th, 11:00 AM

Proposal on How to Tax Motorists

CSU 201

There has been a new proposal brought to the public's attention by the United States Transportation Secretary, regarding the taxes that motorists pay. This proposal considers taxing motorists on how many miles they drive, rather than how much gasoline they actually go through. There has been a lot of negative feedback regarding this proposal, and many also feel that is could be a long term solution to help and to benefit the United State's transportation system. This tax, if passed, could help keep the highways up to date, and also keep them as safe as possible. There are many pros and cons that go along with this proposal, and the country's current economic state has a lot to do with it. The public most defiantly has their own opinions about this matter, and many things need to be weighted and considered when deciding on this proposal.

Recommended Citation

Rynda, Megan; Melissa Neal; Megan Hejhal; Matt Wills; and Mike Kipke. "Proposal on How to Tax Motorists." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 28, 2009.