Test-Retest Reliability on a Survey Measure of School Psychology Practices


CSU 255

Start Date

28-4-2009 9:00 AM

End Date

28-4-2009 11:00 AM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Kevin Filter

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Several studies have investigated school psychologist's time spent carrying out professional activities. Many of these studies have used similar measures that have been assumed to accurately investigate time spent in school psychologist professional practices, but have not previously been validated through psychometric techniques. In this present study, we used test-retest reliability to investigate if the measure used for these data collection purposes is in fact a reliable way of measuring time in professional practices. Two separate surveys of school psychologist professional activities were emailed to school psychologists in the state of Minnesota. Both surveys were constructed of questions wherein respondents report actual time spent and desired time spent in 5 categories of professional practices. These categories included time conducting assessments, interventions, meetings, writing/research, and professional development. Surveys were sent to 60 participants and resent to the same participants 30 days later. Data from this research should determine if the current measure being tested is a reliable instrument for determining time spent carrying out professional practices for school psychologists.

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Apr 28th, 9:00 AM Apr 28th, 11:00 AM

Test-Retest Reliability on a Survey Measure of School Psychology Practices

CSU 255

Several studies have investigated school psychologist's time spent carrying out professional activities. Many of these studies have used similar measures that have been assumed to accurately investigate time spent in school psychologist professional practices, but have not previously been validated through psychometric techniques. In this present study, we used test-retest reliability to investigate if the measure used for these data collection purposes is in fact a reliable way of measuring time in professional practices. Two separate surveys of school psychologist professional activities were emailed to school psychologists in the state of Minnesota. Both surveys were constructed of questions wherein respondents report actual time spent and desired time spent in 5 categories of professional practices. These categories included time conducting assessments, interventions, meetings, writing/research, and professional development. Surveys were sent to 60 participants and resent to the same participants 30 days later. Data from this research should determine if the current measure being tested is a reliable instrument for determining time spent carrying out professional practices for school psychologists.

Recommended Citation

Sorensen, Seth. "Test-Retest Reliability on a Survey Measure of School Psychology Practices." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 28, 2009.