Obesity Among Latino Adolescents: The Role of Acculturation


CSU 284A

Start Date

5-4-2010 10:00 AM

End Date

5-4-2010 12:00 PM

Student's Major

Health Science

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Judith Luebke

Mentor's Department

Health Science

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


Statistical data have shown that young Latinos have the highest rates of obesity among all ethnic groups. Obesity in the general population is a major health concern in the United States, but it is believed that acculturation plays an important factor in Latino adolescents. Acculturation is a process in which a person adapts to a new culture or environment. Research indicates that often, during acculturation healthy behaviors decline, leading to behaviors that result in a higher risk of obesity. This research study investigated cultural, social, and behavioral factors that can affect Latino adolescents’ eating and health practices, which in turn influence obesity rates. Data about Latino parents’ eating practices and food choices in the context of acculturation were also collected in this study. By including both Latino adolescents and parents as subjects, a broader understanding of the impact of acculturation upon food choice and eating behaviors with the family and across generations was achieved. The methods for this study were both qualitative and quantitative. Focus groups were conducted and surveys were distributed to subjects at the high school, community learning centers and churches in Worthington Minnesota, a rural community with a large population of Latino residents. By learning more about the factors that affect obesity through the acculturation process; it is hoped that we can implement effective health education programs in our communities that will help lower the rates of obesity.

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Apr 5th, 10:00 AM Apr 5th, 12:00 PM

Obesity Among Latino Adolescents: The Role of Acculturation

CSU 284A

Statistical data have shown that young Latinos have the highest rates of obesity among all ethnic groups. Obesity in the general population is a major health concern in the United States, but it is believed that acculturation plays an important factor in Latino adolescents. Acculturation is a process in which a person adapts to a new culture or environment. Research indicates that often, during acculturation healthy behaviors decline, leading to behaviors that result in a higher risk of obesity. This research study investigated cultural, social, and behavioral factors that can affect Latino adolescents’ eating and health practices, which in turn influence obesity rates. Data about Latino parents’ eating practices and food choices in the context of acculturation were also collected in this study. By including both Latino adolescents and parents as subjects, a broader understanding of the impact of acculturation upon food choice and eating behaviors with the family and across generations was achieved. The methods for this study were both qualitative and quantitative. Focus groups were conducted and surveys were distributed to subjects at the high school, community learning centers and churches in Worthington Minnesota, a rural community with a large population of Latino residents. By learning more about the factors that affect obesity through the acculturation process; it is hoped that we can implement effective health education programs in our communities that will help lower the rates of obesity.

Recommended Citation

Manzo, Paulina. "Obesity Among Latino Adolescents: The Role of Acculturation." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 5, 2010.