Coordination of an Adult Protection Team


CSU 253/4/5

Start Date

6-4-2010 8:30 AM

End Date

6-4-2010 10:30 AM

Student's Major

Social Work

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Christine Black-Hughes

Mentor's Department

Social Work

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This research project is the development and implementation of a multidisciplinary Adult Protection Team initial meeting for McLeod County as well as setting up a curriculum. This project is important because it allows several agencies to work together to coordinate services for vulnerable adults. Is there a commonality found in the use of an Adult Protection Team or Adult Protection Unit within random county agencies located in Minnesota? The methods consist of contacting several other agencies that are known to have Adult Protection Teams in which the contact person was asked several questions regarding these teams.

There are also agencies with Adult Protection workers and I hope to acquire information from them as well. I will also be completing a literature review regarding this project. Of the agencies that were contacted they either had the Adult Protection Team or an Adult Protection Unit/worker. Of those agencies with an Adult Protection Team some were only able to meet when there were cases to discuss. One agency does meet on a regular basis. The results do seem to concur with the initial hypothesis. There does seem to be a commonality among the interviewed county agencies of having either an Adult Protection Team or an Adult Protection Unit/worker. The results show that there is adult protection to some extent in every county agency that was contacted. People should be interested in these findings because every agency has the due concern for the issue of vulnerable adults and protecting their rights.

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Apr 6th, 8:30 AM Apr 6th, 10:30 AM

Coordination of an Adult Protection Team

CSU 253/4/5

This research project is the development and implementation of a multidisciplinary Adult Protection Team initial meeting for McLeod County as well as setting up a curriculum. This project is important because it allows several agencies to work together to coordinate services for vulnerable adults. Is there a commonality found in the use of an Adult Protection Team or Adult Protection Unit within random county agencies located in Minnesota? The methods consist of contacting several other agencies that are known to have Adult Protection Teams in which the contact person was asked several questions regarding these teams.

There are also agencies with Adult Protection workers and I hope to acquire information from them as well. I will also be completing a literature review regarding this project. Of the agencies that were contacted they either had the Adult Protection Team or an Adult Protection Unit/worker. Of those agencies with an Adult Protection Team some were only able to meet when there were cases to discuss. One agency does meet on a regular basis. The results do seem to concur with the initial hypothesis. There does seem to be a commonality among the interviewed county agencies of having either an Adult Protection Team or an Adult Protection Unit/worker. The results show that there is adult protection to some extent in every county agency that was contacted. People should be interested in these findings because every agency has the due concern for the issue of vulnerable adults and protecting their rights.

Recommended Citation

Koester, Amber. "Coordination of an Adult Protection Team." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 6, 2010.