Moving Clients from One Funding Stream to Another


CSU 253/4/5

Start Date

6-4-2010 8:30 AM

End Date

6-4-2010 10:30 AM

Student's Major

Social Work

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Laura Strunk

Mentor's Department

Social Work

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The moving of eligible clients from one funding stream to another, and reorganizing the social worker’s involvement in the cases to the eligible clients. This research will show if this new way of doing things going to be more productive then what has been done in the past, and if it is should the other counties in Minnesota follow though and do it to. Making the social worker’s case load larger and putting more of the responsibility on the clients who are able to be more independent and do not need a social worker other than once or twice a year for case management going to work. Clients may not understand why things have to change, but with explanation and with the help of the social worker it will be understood. Research from the state as well as letter for the legislature that was done a few years ago first addressing this issues will be used. The results are TBD.

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Apr 6th, 8:30 AM Apr 6th, 10:30 AM

Moving Clients from One Funding Stream to Another

CSU 253/4/5

The moving of eligible clients from one funding stream to another, and reorganizing the social worker’s involvement in the cases to the eligible clients. This research will show if this new way of doing things going to be more productive then what has been done in the past, and if it is should the other counties in Minnesota follow though and do it to. Making the social worker’s case load larger and putting more of the responsibility on the clients who are able to be more independent and do not need a social worker other than once or twice a year for case management going to work. Clients may not understand why things have to change, but with explanation and with the help of the social worker it will be understood. Research from the state as well as letter for the legislature that was done a few years ago first addressing this issues will be used. The results are TBD.

Recommended Citation

Thorn, Alicia. "Moving Clients from One Funding Stream to Another." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 6, 2010.