Ising Model and Its Application


CSU 204

Start Date

4-4-2011 11:00 AM

End Date

4-4-2011 12:30 PM

Student's Major

Mathematics and Statistics

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

In-Jae Kim

Mentor's Department

Mathematics and Statistics

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. This model consists of spins that can be in one of two states. The spins interact only with their nearest neighbors, and the interactions can be described by a graph. That is, the spins are the dots (called vertices) and interacting dots are connected by a line (called an edge). We studied the graph of spins, and its structural implication on the model. We have also investigated social network models similar to the Ising model, interacting locally and having two states, such as a model of opinion formation.

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Apr 4th, 11:00 AM Apr 4th, 12:30 PM

Ising Model and Its Application

CSU 204

The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. This model consists of spins that can be in one of two states. The spins interact only with their nearest neighbors, and the interactions can be described by a graph. That is, the spins are the dots (called vertices) and interacting dots are connected by a line (called an edge). We studied the graph of spins, and its structural implication on the model. We have also investigated social network models similar to the Ising model, interacting locally and having two states, such as a model of opinion formation.

Recommended Citation

Compton, Nicholas. "Ising Model and Its Application." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 4, 2011.