The Restricted Use of Cell Phones in Vehicles


CSU 284A

Start Date

4-4-2011 11:00 AM

End Date

4-4-2011 12:30 PM

Student's Major

Accounting and Business Law

Student's College


Mentor's Name

Penelope Herickhoff

Mentor's Department

Accounting and Business Law

Mentor's College



As cell phones and other handheld devices are becoming more prevalent in our society, there are more concerns about safety of using such devices while driving. This study focuses on how cell phones are used and the effect it has on reaction time, along with the rate of traffic incidences. Random survey was used to accumulate data on cell phone use and traffic incident. Research was also conducted on other distracting activities that may be performed in a car. Studies have been conducted to determine whether there is a correlation between states imposing cell phone laws and rate of traffic incidences. Other studies observed include statistics among neighboring states with and without cell phone restrictions to determine crash rates. Cost-benefit analysis involving insurance records and law enforcement costs can provide great insight to the actual costs of enforcing such laws.

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Apr 4th, 11:00 AM Apr 4th, 12:30 PM

The Restricted Use of Cell Phones in Vehicles

CSU 284A

As cell phones and other handheld devices are becoming more prevalent in our society, there are more concerns about safety of using such devices while driving. This study focuses on how cell phones are used and the effect it has on reaction time, along with the rate of traffic incidences. Random survey was used to accumulate data on cell phone use and traffic incident. Research was also conducted on other distracting activities that may be performed in a car. Studies have been conducted to determine whether there is a correlation between states imposing cell phone laws and rate of traffic incidences. Other studies observed include statistics among neighboring states with and without cell phone restrictions to determine crash rates. Cost-benefit analysis involving insurance records and law enforcement costs can provide great insight to the actual costs of enforcing such laws.

Recommended Citation

Dornfeld, Elizabeth; Patrick Dockendorf; Dan Felt; and Brandon Hayes. "The Restricted Use of Cell Phones in Vehicles." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 4, 2011.