Recent Health Reforms: In Turkey and Mexico


CSU 284A

Start Date

5-4-2011 11:00 AM

End Date

5-4-2011 12:30 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Tomasz Inglot

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This paper will compare and contrast Mexico‘s Seguro Popular health care reform and Turkey‘s Health Transformation Programme (HTP) respectively. This paper also presents evidence why Mexico‘s Seguro Popular reform has more lasting benefits for the population then Turkey‘s HTP reform. Quality and efficiency of the health care system are the key ingredients to measure the development of a modern state. A reliable health care system is one of the critical elements that separate the weak states from the strong states. A legitimate health care system unifies the genuine discourse of democracy and economic growth for the particular state. There had been many studies published in the past that dealt with comparative analysis of health care systems. However, previous studies focused on the OCED states. There has been little research that looked at health care systems of states with emerging-market economy. The recent health care reforms in Mexico and Turkey, illustrated the main problems and challenging of two countries in the process of constructing more developed welfare state.

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Apr 5th, 11:00 AM Apr 5th, 12:30 PM

Recent Health Reforms: In Turkey and Mexico

CSU 284A

This paper will compare and contrast Mexico‘s Seguro Popular health care reform and Turkey‘s Health Transformation Programme (HTP) respectively. This paper also presents evidence why Mexico‘s Seguro Popular reform has more lasting benefits for the population then Turkey‘s HTP reform. Quality and efficiency of the health care system are the key ingredients to measure the development of a modern state. A reliable health care system is one of the critical elements that separate the weak states from the strong states. A legitimate health care system unifies the genuine discourse of democracy and economic growth for the particular state. There had been many studies published in the past that dealt with comparative analysis of health care systems. However, previous studies focused on the OCED states. There has been little research that looked at health care systems of states with emerging-market economy. The recent health care reforms in Mexico and Turkey, illustrated the main problems and challenging of two countries in the process of constructing more developed welfare state.

Recommended Citation

Abdi, Abdihakin. "Recent Health Reforms: In Turkey and Mexico." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 5, 2011.