The Perception of Resources Available to Victims of Domestic Violence in MNSU


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

9-4-2012 1:00 PM

End Date

9-4-2012 2:30 PM

Student's Major

Health Science

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Mark Windschitl

Mentor's Department

Health Science

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


Domestic violence against individuals- regardless of age, race, gender, and social status is a wildly recognized matter within public health in every community. The purpose of this study examines the perception of resources available to assist victims of domestic violence by MNSU. The study focuses on only obtaining information from MNSU community members (students). Violence against student among campus communities and in many university settings on a regular basis goes unreported. Therefore, this research seeks out report of the prevalence and other related issues. This was a random sampling based study; that randomly selected participants from a sociology 101 class. Collected data will be kept confidential and it will remain protected by Dr. Mark Windschitl for the next three years. The overall prevalence of sexual, emotional, psychological, physical and other form of violence reported by males were 16% females 55% and 29% unreported. Regarding the resources available more than 60% of the students knew MNSU offers counseling programs. The survey questionnaire had multiple open ended questions that required a verity of input from students. The overall perception students regarding of sexual, psychological, physical, and other form of violence on campus has a huge contribution to public health interventions and prevention measures.

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Apr 9th, 1:00 PM Apr 9th, 2:30 PM

The Perception of Resources Available to Victims of Domestic Violence in MNSU

CSU Ballroom

Domestic violence against individuals- regardless of age, race, gender, and social status is a wildly recognized matter within public health in every community. The purpose of this study examines the perception of resources available to assist victims of domestic violence by MNSU. The study focuses on only obtaining information from MNSU community members (students). Violence against student among campus communities and in many university settings on a regular basis goes unreported. Therefore, this research seeks out report of the prevalence and other related issues. This was a random sampling based study; that randomly selected participants from a sociology 101 class. Collected data will be kept confidential and it will remain protected by Dr. Mark Windschitl for the next three years. The overall prevalence of sexual, emotional, psychological, physical and other form of violence reported by males were 16% females 55% and 29% unreported. Regarding the resources available more than 60% of the students knew MNSU offers counseling programs. The survey questionnaire had multiple open ended questions that required a verity of input from students. The overall perception students regarding of sexual, psychological, physical, and other form of violence on campus has a huge contribution to public health interventions and prevention measures.

Recommended Citation

Gebretkle, Abel D.. "The Perception of Resources Available to Victims of Domestic Violence in MNSU." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 9, 2012.