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Tuesday, April 16th
11:10 AM

Multi-Cultural Experiences and Understanding

Lamont Scaife, Minnesota State University Mankato

CSU 201

11:10 AM - 12:10 PM

11:10 AM

Need for Higher Regulation of Off-Label Antipsychotic Prescribing in the Elderly

Caitlyn Cardetti, Minnesota State University Mankato

CSU 201

11:10 AM - 12:10 PM

11:10 AM

The Arab-African Minority in East Africa Issues of Identity, Intergration and Assimilation

Ahmed Ahmed Bani, Minnesota State University Mankato

CSU 201

11:10 AM - 12:10 PM

11:10 AM

The Effects of a Montessori-Based Activity on Affect and Engagement in Persons with Dementia

Amber Hindt, Minnesota State University Mankato
Jill Sohre, Minnesota State University Mankato
Jill Morris, Minnesota State University Mankato

CSU 201

11:10 AM - 12:10 PM