Chile Under Pinochet


CSU 203

Start Date

16-4-2013 11:10 AM

End Date

16-4-2013 12:10 PM

Student's Major

World Languages and Cultures

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Adriana Gordillo

Mentor's Department

World Languages and Cultures

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


From 1973 to 1990 Chile was ruled by Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet seized power and ruled for 18 years. Many Chileans accused of being communists disappeared and were killed by Pinochet’s secret police. Those who survived describe unending torture in prison. Censorship was rampant and elections were rigged to keep Pinochet in power. Most Americans are not aware of the social ills countries like Chile suffered throughout the late 20th century. It is important for us to understand the history of our neighbors because we trade goods creating millions of dollars of revenue for both countries. In order to really appreciate the culture in Chile one should first understand the history of it. Most of these social wars and actions were kept secret and denied by the government. This study began by reading two books, A Nation of Enemies: Chile under Pinochet by Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela and Pinochet the Politics of Power by Genaro Arriagada. These texts also include social and cultural descriptions and information on the economy. A critical analysis of literary representations of torture and censorship within Chile was also done. It is important people become educated on the dictatorships in South America because our country has a deep history of attempting to thwart communism internationally. The idea of communism or dictatorships invading the western hemisphere is the exact thing Presidents like James Monroe, John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman fought against. Today, dictatorships and anti-democratic governments affect our trade and foreign relations in the US.

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Apr 16th, 11:10 AM Apr 16th, 12:10 PM

Chile Under Pinochet

CSU 203

From 1973 to 1990 Chile was ruled by Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet seized power and ruled for 18 years. Many Chileans accused of being communists disappeared and were killed by Pinochet’s secret police. Those who survived describe unending torture in prison. Censorship was rampant and elections were rigged to keep Pinochet in power. Most Americans are not aware of the social ills countries like Chile suffered throughout the late 20th century. It is important for us to understand the history of our neighbors because we trade goods creating millions of dollars of revenue for both countries. In order to really appreciate the culture in Chile one should first understand the history of it. Most of these social wars and actions were kept secret and denied by the government. This study began by reading two books, A Nation of Enemies: Chile under Pinochet by Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela and Pinochet the Politics of Power by Genaro Arriagada. These texts also include social and cultural descriptions and information on the economy. A critical analysis of literary representations of torture and censorship within Chile was also done. It is important people become educated on the dictatorships in South America because our country has a deep history of attempting to thwart communism internationally. The idea of communism or dictatorships invading the western hemisphere is the exact thing Presidents like James Monroe, John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman fought against. Today, dictatorships and anti-democratic governments affect our trade and foreign relations in the US.

Recommended Citation

Meyer, Samantha. "Chile Under Pinochet." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.