Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue Muscle Fiber Mechanism


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

16-4-2013 10:00 AM

End Date

16-4-2013 10:00 AM

Student's Major

Mathematics and Statistics

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Namyong Lee

Mentor's Department

Mathematics and Statistics

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


It is a common experience that we feel muscle pain after physical activities. A number of studies related to muscle fatigue had been conducted, but they mainly focused on biological and chemical mechanisms. In this study, we approached the fatigue muscle fiber mechanism by mathematical modeling and simulation on existing biological and chemical understanding. The aim of the research was to explain the process of generating muscle fatigue in a mathematical method. To generate an adequate mathematical muscle fatigue fiber model, we combined two mathematical models: muscle fiber and muscle fatigue models. The modified Huxley equation was mainly used in this study, which mathematically described the behavior of the muscle fiber mechanism. Then, we validated the generated mathematical model by data from previously performed by others in scientific researches. As a result, we found an integrated model that explained both muscle fiber mechanism and muscle fatigue action. The model was applied in computer simulation, and this model was in agreement with experimental data in scientific articles. The new muscle fatigue model was able to efficiently explain the muscle fatigue mechanism in muscle fiber.

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Apr 16th, 10:00 AM Apr 16th, 10:00 AM

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue Muscle Fiber Mechanism

CSU Ballroom

It is a common experience that we feel muscle pain after physical activities. A number of studies related to muscle fatigue had been conducted, but they mainly focused on biological and chemical mechanisms. In this study, we approached the fatigue muscle fiber mechanism by mathematical modeling and simulation on existing biological and chemical understanding. The aim of the research was to explain the process of generating muscle fatigue in a mathematical method. To generate an adequate mathematical muscle fatigue fiber model, we combined two mathematical models: muscle fiber and muscle fatigue models. The modified Huxley equation was mainly used in this study, which mathematically described the behavior of the muscle fiber mechanism. Then, we validated the generated mathematical model by data from previously performed by others in scientific researches. As a result, we found an integrated model that explained both muscle fiber mechanism and muscle fatigue action. The model was applied in computer simulation, and this model was in agreement with experimental data in scientific articles. The new muscle fatigue model was able to efficiently explain the muscle fatigue mechanism in muscle fiber.

Recommended Citation

Moon, Sanghee; Sobyuk Son; and Taeyeung Hong. "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue Muscle Fiber Mechanism." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.