Cloud Computing


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

16-4-2013 2:00 PM

End Date

16-4-2013 4:00 PM

Student's Major

Construction Management

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Brian Wasserman

Mentor's Department

Construction Management

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Will it be more productive for field personnel to have increased involvement in the documentation of information? It is observed that the field personnel are not involved enough in the change order process pertaining to construction projects. Increased file sharing to field personnel pertaining to change orders will provide for quick implementation of the plan set changes. The lack of change order communication between the office and the field is detrimental to the advancement of the construction process. This research project will compare and contrast previous jobs that do not use modern communication technologies and or systems to expedite updated change order drawings and/or change order approval statuses. Implementing modern cloud based communication services will provide for reduction in rework durations and costs while reducing project duration due to the increased rate at which change orders are processed. The research is expected to reduce the amount of time the field personnel expend on waiting for change orders to be approved and communicated from the main office to the construction site.

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Apr 16th, 2:00 PM Apr 16th, 4:00 PM

Cloud Computing

CSU Ballroom

Will it be more productive for field personnel to have increased involvement in the documentation of information? It is observed that the field personnel are not involved enough in the change order process pertaining to construction projects. Increased file sharing to field personnel pertaining to change orders will provide for quick implementation of the plan set changes. The lack of change order communication between the office and the field is detrimental to the advancement of the construction process. This research project will compare and contrast previous jobs that do not use modern communication technologies and or systems to expedite updated change order drawings and/or change order approval statuses. Implementing modern cloud based communication services will provide for reduction in rework durations and costs while reducing project duration due to the increased rate at which change orders are processed. The research is expected to reduce the amount of time the field personnel expend on waiting for change orders to be approved and communicated from the main office to the construction site.

Recommended Citation

LaMott, Tyler; Andrew Osterheim; and Curtis Sell. "Cloud Computing." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.