Genital Body Image and Satisfaction


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

16-4-2013 2:00 PM

End Date

16-4-2013 4:00 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Eric Sprankle

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Second Mentor's Name

Andrew Ahrendt

Second Mentor's Department


Second Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Personal satisfaction with genital body image can affect an individual’s private, public and interpersonal life. The purpose of this study is to examine females’ satisfaction in relation to their genital body image. The reason we gathered this information is to determine if satisfaction with one’s genital body image is problematic. This information was gathered through an online survey, asking individuals how satisfied they are with their own genital body image. Within the survey women were asked how interested they were in pursuing different types of altering behaviors, such as surgery or cosmetics. Our results show that females typically have relatively neutral feelings about their genitals. The area that displayed the most concern to women was the appearance of pubic hair. It showed overall lower satisfaction ratings as compared to other areas of concern such as color and scent. This was also the area that the most women had used and continue to use methods to alter genital appearance. Interest in the potential of piercing or surgical methods to alter genital appearance was of little interest overall. In general, our study found that women are neither overly satisfied nor dissatisfied with their genital body image. Women displayed little interest in any sort of altering opportunities other than altering their pubic hair. The findings from this study suggest that while women generally have a neutral satisfaction level with the appearance of their genitals, they are not very interested in pursuing comparatively more drastic measures to alter it.

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Apr 16th, 2:00 PM Apr 16th, 4:00 PM

Genital Body Image and Satisfaction

CSU Ballroom

Personal satisfaction with genital body image can affect an individual’s private, public and interpersonal life. The purpose of this study is to examine females’ satisfaction in relation to their genital body image. The reason we gathered this information is to determine if satisfaction with one’s genital body image is problematic. This information was gathered through an online survey, asking individuals how satisfied they are with their own genital body image. Within the survey women were asked how interested they were in pursuing different types of altering behaviors, such as surgery or cosmetics. Our results show that females typically have relatively neutral feelings about their genitals. The area that displayed the most concern to women was the appearance of pubic hair. It showed overall lower satisfaction ratings as compared to other areas of concern such as color and scent. This was also the area that the most women had used and continue to use methods to alter genital appearance. Interest in the potential of piercing or surgical methods to alter genital appearance was of little interest overall. In general, our study found that women are neither overly satisfied nor dissatisfied with their genital body image. Women displayed little interest in any sort of altering opportunities other than altering their pubic hair. The findings from this study suggest that while women generally have a neutral satisfaction level with the appearance of their genitals, they are not very interested in pursuing comparatively more drastic measures to alter it.

Recommended Citation

Drenckhahn, Richard. "Genital Body Image and Satisfaction." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.