Block Schedule Project


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

21-4-2014 2:00 PM

End Date

21-4-2014 3:30 PM

Student's Major

Construction Management

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Matthew Durand

Mentor's Department

Construction Management

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


We are looking to further our majors curriculum by going through construction process. As students majoring in Construction Management we want to make sure future students receive the best education possible. The best way we can ensure this is by taking them through the actual steps of the construction process. Our research would take a set of plans to build a residential home and go through the required steps to make the plan set a reality. Before you can understand our process you need to organize a full project in sequence. Right now you go through the courses in a semi-structured way to learn all the different aspects in no particular order. Starting with estimating a plan using takeoff software (ie. Planswift) and utilizing that information to plug into an estimating software (ie. Sage Timberline) to gain a costs estimate. With a rough estimate you would be able to gain financial backing to build the house. After securing financial backing the students would ask for bids. After picking a contractor they will manage the job from start to finish. This method of teaching the CM students would make sure they know the construction management process. As this project comes to a close we will have made our program money to put towards competitions and any other extra curricular activities. We will give many students the opportunity to get some real world experience when they otherwise would have been unable to do so.

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Apr 21st, 2:00 PM Apr 21st, 3:30 PM

Block Schedule Project

CSU Ballroom

We are looking to further our majors curriculum by going through construction process. As students majoring in Construction Management we want to make sure future students receive the best education possible. The best way we can ensure this is by taking them through the actual steps of the construction process. Our research would take a set of plans to build a residential home and go through the required steps to make the plan set a reality. Before you can understand our process you need to organize a full project in sequence. Right now you go through the courses in a semi-structured way to learn all the different aspects in no particular order. Starting with estimating a plan using takeoff software (ie. Planswift) and utilizing that information to plug into an estimating software (ie. Sage Timberline) to gain a costs estimate. With a rough estimate you would be able to gain financial backing to build the house. After securing financial backing the students would ask for bids. After picking a contractor they will manage the job from start to finish. This method of teaching the CM students would make sure they know the construction management process. As this project comes to a close we will have made our program money to put towards competitions and any other extra curricular activities. We will give many students the opportunity to get some real world experience when they otherwise would have been unable to do so.

Recommended Citation

Haga, Anthony and Marcus Shurson. "Block Schedule Project." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2014.