Alternative Procedure of Estimating the 3-Min All Out Exercise Test on a Computrainer


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

21-4-2014 2:00 PM

End Date

21-4-2014 3:30 PM

Student's Major

Human Performance

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Ida Clark

Mentor's Department

Human Performance

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Second Mentor's Name

Robert Pettitt

Second Mentor's Email Address

Second Mentor's Department

Human Performance

Second Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


The cycling 3-min all-out exercise test (3 MT) has been established to provide measures of critical power (CP) and one’s anaerobic capacity (W’). The biking 3 MT have been completed using an electronically brake cycle ergometer. To evaluate if it is possible to conduct a 3 MT using a computrainer. We evaluated a group of competitive cyclists and triathletes (age 23.5 ± 1.64 yrs, VO2max 53.6 ±7.14 ml∙kg-1∙min-1). Each athlete completed a 3 MT, one 3 min, 6 min and 9 min exhaustive bout using their own bike mounted on a computrainer (Race mate). Predicted power for 3, 6, and 9 min were determined using the CP and W’ estimated from the 3 MT. Actual and predicted times were evaluated using typical error (TE) and coefficient of variation (CV). For the 3 min bout, TE was 41 s and CV was 24.9%. For the 6 min bout, TE was 62 s and a CV was 20.3%. For the 9 min bout, TE was 79 s and CV was 17%. A more complete data set will be forth coming. Thus far it appears that the 3 MT using a computrainer is underestimating CP.

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Apr 21st, 2:00 PM Apr 21st, 3:30 PM

Alternative Procedure of Estimating the 3-Min All Out Exercise Test on a Computrainer

CSU Ballroom

The cycling 3-min all-out exercise test (3 MT) has been established to provide measures of critical power (CP) and one’s anaerobic capacity (W’). The biking 3 MT have been completed using an electronically brake cycle ergometer. To evaluate if it is possible to conduct a 3 MT using a computrainer. We evaluated a group of competitive cyclists and triathletes (age 23.5 ± 1.64 yrs, VO2max 53.6 ±7.14 ml∙kg-1∙min-1). Each athlete completed a 3 MT, one 3 min, 6 min and 9 min exhaustive bout using their own bike mounted on a computrainer (Race mate). Predicted power for 3, 6, and 9 min were determined using the CP and W’ estimated from the 3 MT. Actual and predicted times were evaluated using typical error (TE) and coefficient of variation (CV). For the 3 min bout, TE was 41 s and CV was 24.9%. For the 6 min bout, TE was 62 s and a CV was 20.3%. For the 9 min bout, TE was 79 s and CV was 17%. A more complete data set will be forth coming. Thus far it appears that the 3 MT using a computrainer is underestimating CP.

Recommended Citation

Williams, Jade. "Alternative Procedure of Estimating the 3-Min All Out Exercise Test on a Computrainer." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 21, 2014.