Subgroup Pro-Ana


CSU 203

Start Date

20-4-2015 1:05 PM

End Date

20-4-2015 2:05 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Kevin Filter

Mentor's Email Address

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Pro-Ana is a social movement that positively promotes anorexia and related eating disorders based on the belief that these are lifestyle choices and not disorders. In this study we investigated the different behaviors and thoughts related to Pro-Ana and Anorexia as well as behaviors and thoughts related to typical diet and exercise patterns. Data were collected through an online survey format that asked questions about individual behavior and thoughts in an anonymous fashion. Our purpose was to discover whether or not the group known as Pro-Ana is really separate and distinct from individuals who are anorexic.

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Apr 20th, 1:05 PM Apr 20th, 2:05 PM

Subgroup Pro-Ana

CSU 203

Pro-Ana is a social movement that positively promotes anorexia and related eating disorders based on the belief that these are lifestyle choices and not disorders. In this study we investigated the different behaviors and thoughts related to Pro-Ana and Anorexia as well as behaviors and thoughts related to typical diet and exercise patterns. Data were collected through an online survey format that asked questions about individual behavior and thoughts in an anonymous fashion. Our purpose was to discover whether or not the group known as Pro-Ana is really separate and distinct from individuals who are anorexic.

Recommended Citation

Lautizi, Julia and Trae Boldthen. "Subgroup Pro-Ana." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 20, 2015.