Authentic Leadership in a Diverse Community


CSU 204

Start Date

18-4-2016 1:05 PM

End Date

18-4-2016 2:05 PM

Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Kristen Cvancara

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


Authentic leaders are governed by a strong set of internal values and morals and lead with conviction. Authenticity emerges from reciprocal processes between leaders and followers, with leaders communicating a genuine passion and purpose. In a multicultural setting in which individuals have different beliefs, values, and attitudes, a leader has the dilemma of presenting authentic self while preventing ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s own culture and values are superior to another’s may interfere with a leader’s ability to relate and communicate effectively. A case study of a leader in a diverse community setting was conducted. A qualitative interview was performed to understand the methods for avoiding ethnocentrism while remaining authentic. Open-ended interview questions pertaining to leadership style, culture, and personal values were asked, including how a leader prevents ethnocentrism when working with individuals with contrasting values. The hour-long interview occurred in the leader’s professional environment, was audio recorded, and notes were taken. Results and analysis are currently underway.

Anticipated results will comprise of a in depth description of how one particular leader uses communication strategies to negotiate the expression of authentic self and a sensitivity to the personal backgrounds and experiences of each follower. The case study will increase an understanding of the ways the dilemma can be addressed. An implication of this work is that students in leadership roles who work with people from various backgrounds will gain strategies for communicating the authentic self.

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Apr 18th, 1:05 PM Apr 18th, 2:05 PM

Authentic Leadership in a Diverse Community

CSU 204

Authentic leaders are governed by a strong set of internal values and morals and lead with conviction. Authenticity emerges from reciprocal processes between leaders and followers, with leaders communicating a genuine passion and purpose. In a multicultural setting in which individuals have different beliefs, values, and attitudes, a leader has the dilemma of presenting authentic self while preventing ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s own culture and values are superior to another’s may interfere with a leader’s ability to relate and communicate effectively. A case study of a leader in a diverse community setting was conducted. A qualitative interview was performed to understand the methods for avoiding ethnocentrism while remaining authentic. Open-ended interview questions pertaining to leadership style, culture, and personal values were asked, including how a leader prevents ethnocentrism when working with individuals with contrasting values. The hour-long interview occurred in the leader’s professional environment, was audio recorded, and notes were taken. Results and analysis are currently underway.

Anticipated results will comprise of a in depth description of how one particular leader uses communication strategies to negotiate the expression of authentic self and a sensitivity to the personal backgrounds and experiences of each follower. The case study will increase an understanding of the ways the dilemma can be addressed. An implication of this work is that students in leadership roles who work with people from various backgrounds will gain strategies for communicating the authentic self.

Recommended Citation

Palo, Claire. "Authentic Leadership in a Diverse Community." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 18, 2016.