Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol Against Ethanol Toxemia


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

11-4-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

11-4-2017 11:30 AM

Student's Major

Biological Sciences

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Steven Mercurio

Mentor's Department

Biological Sciences

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Herbal medications have no indications of interactions with alcohol on their labels. There has been at least one clinical finding that saw palmetto with active ingredient beta-sitosterol used for enlarged male prostates caused pancreatic damage. This study with 20 male mice hypothesized that ethanol would increase the toxicity of beta-sitosterol. It was found that mice dosed by gavage with 0.1 ml of 95 proof ethanol died starting at the second dose and increased to 100% by the sixth dose (unexpected based on literature). 60-microgram injections of beta-sitosterol prevented deaths in 80% of the mice past the sixth dose opposite to what was expected. We will present urine and organ data at the conclusion of the study to try to understand this novel protective action against a well known societal consumed toxicant (ethanol).

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Apr 11th, 10:00 AM Apr 11th, 11:30 AM

Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol Against Ethanol Toxemia

CSU Ballroom

Herbal medications have no indications of interactions with alcohol on their labels. There has been at least one clinical finding that saw palmetto with active ingredient beta-sitosterol used for enlarged male prostates caused pancreatic damage. This study with 20 male mice hypothesized that ethanol would increase the toxicity of beta-sitosterol. It was found that mice dosed by gavage with 0.1 ml of 95 proof ethanol died starting at the second dose and increased to 100% by the sixth dose (unexpected based on literature). 60-microgram injections of beta-sitosterol prevented deaths in 80% of the mice past the sixth dose opposite to what was expected. We will present urine and organ data at the conclusion of the study to try to understand this novel protective action against a well known societal consumed toxicant (ethanol).

Recommended Citation

Cooper, Dakota and April Boucher-Zamzo. "Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol Against Ethanol Toxemia." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 11, 2017.