Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato - Undergraduate Research Symposium: Dual Polarized Substrate Integrated Waveguide

Dual Polarized Substrate Integrated Waveguide


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

11-4-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

11-4-2017 11:30 AM

Student's Major

Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Xuanhui Wu

Mentor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Traditionally, coaxial cables or two-wire cables are used to transmit electromagnetic signals. These methods, however, result in a great deal of energy loss due to skin effect, dielectric loss, copper loss and radiation loss. Additionally, these transmission lines are non-planar which make their integration with planar circuits found inside electronics today extremely complex. Metallic waveguides are an alternative to such waveguide options. However, they are bulky, non-planar, and thus cannot be easily integrated into modern circuit boards.

A substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is a new generation of transmission line that proves a superior substitute to traditional transmission lines and metallic waveguides. The SIW is synthesized through the use of two rows of metal posts sandwiched by metal plates. These metal posts effectively form sidewalls to guide electromagnetic waves similar to how the sides of a three dimensional metallic waveguide aid transmission. SIW's planar nature allows it to be easily integrated into the printed circuit boards (PCB) commonly found inside almost every electronic device and implemented cheaply using existing fabrication technology. Its low profile structure coupled with respectable performance, such as high Q-factor and low propagation loss, make SIWs a reliable option for low-cost mass production of millimeter-wave applications. These concepts will be investigated further and utilized to design a novel dual polarized SIW. Resulting designs will have possible applications in mobile devices where high frequency operation and power efficiency are key.

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Apr 11th, 10:00 AM Apr 11th, 11:30 AM

Dual Polarized Substrate Integrated Waveguide

CSU Ballroom

Traditionally, coaxial cables or two-wire cables are used to transmit electromagnetic signals. These methods, however, result in a great deal of energy loss due to skin effect, dielectric loss, copper loss and radiation loss. Additionally, these transmission lines are non-planar which make their integration with planar circuits found inside electronics today extremely complex. Metallic waveguides are an alternative to such waveguide options. However, they are bulky, non-planar, and thus cannot be easily integrated into modern circuit boards.

A substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is a new generation of transmission line that proves a superior substitute to traditional transmission lines and metallic waveguides. The SIW is synthesized through the use of two rows of metal posts sandwiched by metal plates. These metal posts effectively form sidewalls to guide electromagnetic waves similar to how the sides of a three dimensional metallic waveguide aid transmission. SIW's planar nature allows it to be easily integrated into the printed circuit boards (PCB) commonly found inside almost every electronic device and implemented cheaply using existing fabrication technology. Its low profile structure coupled with respectable performance, such as high Q-factor and low propagation loss, make SIWs a reliable option for low-cost mass production of millimeter-wave applications. These concepts will be investigated further and utilized to design a novel dual polarized SIW. Resulting designs will have possible applications in mobile devices where high frequency operation and power efficiency are key.

Recommended Citation

Hedin, Michael. "Dual Polarized Substrate Integrated Waveguide." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 11, 2017.