Native American Women in Media


CSU 201

Start Date

10-4-2018 10:00 AM

End Date

10-4-2018 11:00 AM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Chelsea Mead

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Stereotypes about diverse cultures have been around for hundreds possibly even thousands of years and they effect a slew of backgrounds and various ethnicities of people. The indigenous people of America are one example, and they have been affected greatly by the perpetuation of biases placed upon them. Some of the issues with stereotypes include that there over- generalizing of characteristics, romanticizing of Native culture and also the creation of stereotypes by omitting them from modern times and only showing American Indians in a historical context. In the last century the main media used to perpetuate stereotypes and prejudices pertaining to Native Americans has changed. Originally dime novels, paper ads, and paintings were the main means of supporting and maintaining stereotypes. Now it includes everything from movies lasting hours, television series, video games, the internet, to commercials and so much more. With that being established, Native women encounter another dimension of discrimination on top of the cultural and political issues already effecting the community, that being sexism. The task of this project is to analyze scholarly articles and see what stereotypes they say are most prominent. After that, images on the internet will be examined via a digital search, and then compared to see if the trends match the scholarly literature.

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Apr 10th, 10:00 AM Apr 10th, 11:00 AM

Native American Women in Media

CSU 201

Stereotypes about diverse cultures have been around for hundreds possibly even thousands of years and they effect a slew of backgrounds and various ethnicities of people. The indigenous people of America are one example, and they have been affected greatly by the perpetuation of biases placed upon them. Some of the issues with stereotypes include that there over- generalizing of characteristics, romanticizing of Native culture and also the creation of stereotypes by omitting them from modern times and only showing American Indians in a historical context. In the last century the main media used to perpetuate stereotypes and prejudices pertaining to Native Americans has changed. Originally dime novels, paper ads, and paintings were the main means of supporting and maintaining stereotypes. Now it includes everything from movies lasting hours, television series, video games, the internet, to commercials and so much more. With that being established, Native women encounter another dimension of discrimination on top of the cultural and political issues already effecting the community, that being sexism. The task of this project is to analyze scholarly articles and see what stereotypes they say are most prominent. After that, images on the internet will be examined via a digital search, and then compared to see if the trends match the scholarly literature.

Recommended Citation

Jones, Amber. "Native American Women in Media." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 10, 2018.