Not Your Everyday Glaze


CSU 255

Start Date

10-4-2018 11:05 AM

End Date

10-4-2018 12:05 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Todd Shanafelt

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


The goal for this project will be to achieve colors in handmade glazes that are found on the color wheel as well as the colors that are found between the primary and secondary colors. Ceramic glazes are made by combining three components; a glass (ex: silica flour), a flux (ex: soda ash), and a refractory (ex: kaolin). These elements combine to make a stable composition that coat the ceramic piece and form a glass coating on the pot or sculpture. To add colors to glazes you then add mason stains or specific oxides to get a desired color. Now natural colors such as blues, greens, and browns are much easier to achieve in glazes due to the color that certain materials give off. I would like to bring bright vibrant colors that are not typically found in nature to a medium that comes from the earth. Warm colors that are found on the color wheel are much harder to achieve given that the need for rare materials aren't available or accessible.

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Apr 10th, 11:05 AM Apr 10th, 12:05 PM

Not Your Everyday Glaze

CSU 255

The goal for this project will be to achieve colors in handmade glazes that are found on the color wheel as well as the colors that are found between the primary and secondary colors. Ceramic glazes are made by combining three components; a glass (ex: silica flour), a flux (ex: soda ash), and a refractory (ex: kaolin). These elements combine to make a stable composition that coat the ceramic piece and form a glass coating on the pot or sculpture. To add colors to glazes you then add mason stains or specific oxides to get a desired color. Now natural colors such as blues, greens, and browns are much easier to achieve in glazes due to the color that certain materials give off. I would like to bring bright vibrant colors that are not typically found in nature to a medium that comes from the earth. Warm colors that are found on the color wheel are much harder to achieve given that the need for rare materials aren't available or accessible.

Recommended Citation

Stensland, Elizabeth. "Not Your Everyday Glaze." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 10, 2018.