Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato - Undergraduate Research Symposium: Manufacturing, from Operator Motion to Automation

Manufacturing, from Operator Motion to Automation


CSU 202

Start Date

2-4-2019 1:05 PM

End Date

2-4-2019 2:05 PM

Student's Major

Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Gary Mead

Mentor's Department

Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Second Mentor's Name

Bruce Jones

Second Mentor's Department

Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Second Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Technological advancements are necessary within a manufacturing company to keep manufacturing costs low, the employees safe, and to output a quality product to the public. To achieve such tasks factories have been updating their assembly lines to better improve the flow, efficiency, and safety. Automation has become a large part of advanced manufacturing facilities to reach the needed goals and to meet the desired profit margins. Operators at Itron, Inc are responsible for maneuvering large boxes containing dense plastic meter housings to the beginning of the assembly lines throughout the whole work day. The result is repeated 50+ pound carries which have a negative impact on the operators physical health, the efficiency of the factory, and a lower company profit margin. By using an automated process to deliver the meter housings to the beginning of the assembly line it eliminates operator safety risks, it boosts efficiency and raises the profit margin of the company by assembling more meters on a daily basis.

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Apr 2nd, 1:05 PM Apr 2nd, 2:05 PM

Manufacturing, from Operator Motion to Automation

CSU 202

Technological advancements are necessary within a manufacturing company to keep manufacturing costs low, the employees safe, and to output a quality product to the public. To achieve such tasks factories have been updating their assembly lines to better improve the flow, efficiency, and safety. Automation has become a large part of advanced manufacturing facilities to reach the needed goals and to meet the desired profit margins. Operators at Itron, Inc are responsible for maneuvering large boxes containing dense plastic meter housings to the beginning of the assembly lines throughout the whole work day. The result is repeated 50+ pound carries which have a negative impact on the operators physical health, the efficiency of the factory, and a lower company profit margin. By using an automated process to deliver the meter housings to the beginning of the assembly line it eliminates operator safety risks, it boosts efficiency and raises the profit margin of the company by assembling more meters on a daily basis.

Recommended Citation

Cotton, Nicholas. "Manufacturing, from Operator Motion to Automation." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 2, 2019.