Emergency Preparedness Among College Students


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

2-4-2019 2:00 PM

End Date

2-4-2019 3:30 PM

Student's Major

Health Science

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Joseph Visker

Mentor's Department

Health Science

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


Emergency preparedness for university students presents a unique challenge, given their limited budgets and potential dependence on parents/caregivers who may live long distances away. However there is lack of data pertaining to the level of preparedness among university students and an understanding factors beyond finances that may impact their willingness and ability to prepare for emergencies. The objective of the study is to assess emergency preparedness among university , perceptions of their ability to handle emergencies, awareness of university policies/procedures and more. We will be distributing paper surveys with about 25 questions to various students in different classes and organizations. With the responses, health educators and other interested persons such as school authorities and others will evaluate if there's a need for more education and awareness on what needs to be done during emergencies.

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Apr 2nd, 2:00 PM Apr 2nd, 3:30 PM

Emergency Preparedness Among College Students

CSU Ballroom

Emergency preparedness for university students presents a unique challenge, given their limited budgets and potential dependence on parents/caregivers who may live long distances away. However there is lack of data pertaining to the level of preparedness among university students and an understanding factors beyond finances that may impact their willingness and ability to prepare for emergencies. The objective of the study is to assess emergency preparedness among university , perceptions of their ability to handle emergencies, awareness of university policies/procedures and more. We will be distributing paper surveys with about 25 questions to various students in different classes and organizations. With the responses, health educators and other interested persons such as school authorities and others will evaluate if there's a need for more education and awareness on what needs to be done during emergencies.

Recommended Citation

Sampson, Annabel and Kayla Erickson. "Emergency Preparedness Among College Students." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 2, 2019.