Music & Personality


CSU 255

Start Date

12-4-2022 2:30 PM

End Date

12-4-2022 3:30 PM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Kevin Filter

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


A variety of research address the relationship between music and personality and shows inconsistent results on the topic. The purpose of our study is to look at the relationship between music and personality in a local population with students in MSU, Mankato.

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Apr 12th, 2:30 PM Apr 12th, 3:30 PM

Music & Personality

CSU 255

A variety of research address the relationship between music and personality and shows inconsistent results on the topic. The purpose of our study is to look at the relationship between music and personality in a local population with students in MSU, Mankato.

Recommended Citation

Berry, Maleah and Ganwoo Nam. "Music & Personality." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 12, 2022.