El espacio en los esperpentos de Valle-Inclán

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This dissertation studies literary space in Valle-Inclan's esperpentos from a semiotic perspective, explaining the symbolism of the writer's locations and of other pertinent "esperpentic" patterns. Academic research on this topic was scarce, and a more comprehensive study was needed. The present work shows that literary space is, in fact, fundamental for the structuring of the esperpentos and indeed most of Valle-Inclan's works. My analysis proves that the writer made a conscientious effort to structure his works in a mathematical way, and that his knowledge of occultism (Cabala, theosophy, etc.) influenced this decision. The dissertation also shows how Luces de bohemia is the best exemplification of this symbolic structure, and describes how it is a parody of Dante's Inferno.

The thesis comprises five chapters. The first one offers the basis of the analysis, describing the structure of the esperpentos and other pertinent works and showing their mathematical pattern. The second chapter is devoted to the different structuring levels of Luces de bohemia. The third chapter is a comprehensive study of the different locations represented in Valle-Inclan's esperpentos. These locations are classified within five major categories: the house, natural backgrounds (the garden, aquatic places, the cave and the moon), travel routes and means, and religious and entertainment locations. An in-depth study of these locations is done here in their context. The fourth chapter studies the real geographic places described and referred to in his esperpentos (Galicia, Madrid, Andalucia, Mexico/Spanish America and the undefined location). The final chapter analyzes the method used for describing space in the dramatic works and the novels. The conclusions bear out how the whole of Valle-Inclan's esperpentos reflect a deep interest in constructing a coherent literary world in which intertextual references play an important role.

ProQuest UMI No.9323202


World Languages and Cultures
