Humor(ous) Matters in Ubidia’s Divertinventos

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



Abdon Ubidia is, perhaps, one of the best-known modern Ecuadorian authors. His DivertInventos I & II (1989) are, arguably, the most entertaining collections of innovative fantasies published in the latter part of the twentieth century by an Ecuadorian author. Ubidia explores the tenuous but rich border between fantasy and reality, between utopia and a world closer to home, teasing out truths that are hidden within the artificial & the quotidian. He teases us into questioning the moral and ethical values and principles we recognize as modern readers and thinkers through short, pithy stories that always end with a punchline that turns the story on its head. This short story will explore several of his divertinventos to show how Ubidia uses humor to question our beliefs, our priorities, our values.


World Languages and Cultures

Publication Title

XII Annual Conference of the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humor Studies

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