Textbook Affordability with Dan Allosso: Session 2: The Z-Degree Program
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What is a Z-Degree? A Z-Degree, also known as a Zero-Textbook Cost Degree, is a complete associate or bachelor's degree program that exclusively uses no cost course resources, such as open educational resources (OER), digital course-packs, or library-curated materials. Dr. Dan Allosso will present on the origins of the Z-Degree program from legislation through implementation at community colleges to opportunities for universities. From library initiatives, OER Learning Circles, student government activism, to collaboration with bookstores, the variety of ways and levels in which one can become involved are numerous. Considering Equity 2023 and the North Star Promise Scholarship, it is important for all campuses to discuss ways to reduce costs for students.
Learner Level
Resource Type
Professional Development Material
Primary Pedagogical Focus
Open Educational Resources
Recommended Citation
Allosso, Dan, "Textbook Affordability with Dan Allosso: Session 2: The Z-Degree Program" (2023). All Resources. 161.
OER Deck.pdf (2515 kB)
PowerPoint Slides
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