
The purpose of this study is to illuminate the patterns of identity and self explored through the lenses of intertextuality, feminist postmodern identity, and confession. A performance methodology is used wherein the performance brings to the fore explicitly visible gender norms standardized by everyday life through the enaction of the theoretical background. The performance. Boxes, is a piece that entangles multiple identities, which attempt to dislocate norms and ideals the audience has already established. During the performance comment cards were distributed to audience members for their reflection on the overall message of the performance. The cards were collected and evaluated to determine the reflexivity of the theory and narrative material utilized with the performance text.

This research supports the notion that there are hierarchical systems of oppression firmly entrenched within our culture. However, through public methodologies such as performance, it is possible to allow the audience to engage their own perspective on these varying hierarchies. Audience feedback (either positive or negative) shows that the intertextual narratives used did make a strong impact on the audience. The narratives were selected and constructed based on a theoretical background, which is ultimately proven valid.


Leah White

Committee Member

Dan Cronn-Mills

Committee Member

Craig Matarrese

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Arts (MA)


Arts and Humanities



Rights Statement

In Copyright