
Through the analysis of pottery remains found at the Eleanor archaeological site, the study investigates the relationship between the Fox Lake culture and the Havanoid phases. The relationship between the Fox Lake complex of the southwestern prairie area and the Havanoid phases of the eastern woodlands is poorly understood in southern Minnesota. Despite it is potential to provide information about this relationship, the Eleanor site (21NL30) collection was never thoroughly studied after the excavation.

Richard Strachan conducted excavations at the Eleanor site between 1976 and 1978. A total of 124 pottery sherds were examined, with 76 being rim sherds and the remaining 48 being body sherds. The analysis particularly focused on attribute categories such as manufacturing techniques, morphological characteristics, and decorative features of the pottery.

The analysis of the pottery specimens identified indicates that the Fox Lake pottery samples were presumably made locally. The fact that all the identified Fox Lake pottery specimens are Vertical Cordmarked type suggests this. The variety of Havanoid pottery samples and the geographical range covered by the types, on the other hand, convey that they came to Eleanor as a result of trade or exchange. The Eleanor samples do not show the influence of Havanoid elements discussed in the archaeological literature at Fox Lake. The mixing of layers caused by intensive agricultural activity makes it unattainable to determine the chronological relationship.

To determine the chronology in future studies, accurate periodization methods need to be applied. The combination of faunal, botanical, and lithic analysis can improve the initial understanding of the site and the Fox Lake-Havanoid interaction traces in it.


Ron Schirmer

Committee Member

Kathleen Blue

Committee Member

Kathryn Elliott

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)

Program of Study

Applied Anthropology


Geography and Anthropology


Humanities and Social Sciences



Rights Statement

In Copyright