
Radiation dosimetry from a 350 KeV electron beam and its impact on Drosophila melanogaster response serve as the focal points of this study. While previous research has established an LD50 (lethal radiation dose for 50 % of the population) exceeding 452 Gy across mainly all developmental stages, this investigation extends the understanding by examining dose-dependent differences throughout development, from the pupae stage into adulthood. Fruit flies, irradiated at their most sensitive stage, the egg phase, displayed a notable reduction in effective LD50, especially when accounting for long-term effects. Specifically, the LD50 values decreased to approximately 59 Gy for the maximum pupae population observed at 187 hours after eggs were laid down, and further reduced to about 15 Gy for the entire adult population at 310 hours. These findings underscore the importance of prolonged observation, revealing a delayed pattern wherein fruit fly eggs progress through various developmental stages after irradiation. This study prompts a critical re-evaluation of the LD50 concept, advocating for its modification based on observed developmental stages and time. Additionally, it identifies optimal radiation conditions for fruit fly development, extending implications to other biological systems. The potential for engineering a radiation-resistant biological system offers promising applications in various living organisms, contributing significantly to advancing radiation biology and enhancing resilience to radiation exposure.


Andrew Roberts

Committee Member

Analía Dall'Asén

Committee Member

Jorge Mendéz

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)

Program of Study



Physics and Astronomy


Science, Engineering and Technology

Included in

Physics Commons



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In Copyright