
With rapid developments in the field of AI and data centers, there is a soaring demand for backup power and due to this, genset manufacturers are compelled to increase their throughput and reduce lead times. This study focuses on incorporating process optimization and lean tools for lowering the overall takt time by reducing the cycle time of the generator assembly process of Line 1 at Rolls Royce Solutions America Inc. The eventual goal is to increase the throughput from 6 generators per day to 7 per day. The paper follows a step-by-step methodology starting from the problem statement and uses statistical analysis to monitor the data. The value chain is identified using the current state value stream map and the standard operating procedures (SOPs). The bottlenecks are singled out and a process improvement action plan is created. The process is monitored again after the changes are made in the assembly process and the results are recorded. A total reduction in process time of 30 minutes is achieved from Cells 2 and 3. The SOPs are adjusted again and an action plan for further scope of research is created.


Pawan Bhandari

Committee Member

Shaheen Ahmed

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)

Program of Study

Manufacturing Engineering Technology


Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology


Science, Engineering and Technology

Included in

Engineering Commons



Rights Statement

In Copyright