
In the following thesis, I analyze the role of women characters facing patriarchal oppressions in Piedad Bonnet’s literary works-Después de todo (2001) and El prestigio de la belleza (2010), and Laura Restrepo’s literary work La novia oscura (1999). The major characters in these three novels are immersed in a society where the division between the sexes appears as normal, natural, or inevitable. Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Michel De Certeau, and Lucía Guerra provide the theoretical background for my investigation of how each of these characters (men and women) embodied the historical structures of the masculine order. This thesis identifies and analyzes how institutions (such as the family, the educational system, the Catholic Church, the State and the workplace) reproduce the masculine order in Colombia. Moreover, this essay explains how the division of the sexes has produced relationships of domination, which victimizes not only women but also men in a hegemonic masculine society. Finally, this thesis describes and analyzes how, despite the stereotypical view of submissive women, most of the characters in these three novels adopt stoic virtues to face their realities. This study demonstrates how feminine characters use a stoic attitude as a survival method as well as a subversive attitude towards patriarchy in order to modify their identity, rebuilt their future, and establish their feminist beliefs.


Adriana Gordillo

Committee Member

Alfredo Duplat

Committee Member

Gregory Taylor

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)


Arts and Humanities

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