
Traditionally, the medical model has been the standard level of care in long-term care facilities. However, many facilities are transitioning from the medical model to a person-centered approach. The core of person-centered care is the relationship between frontline staff and residents. Empirical research has found person-centered care to reduce depressive and behavioral symptoms, levels of loneliness, and increase quality of care in residents; person-centered care has increased job satisfaction in nursing staff. Unfortunately, little is known about what motivates caregiving behavior in nursing staff and whether these motivators are consistent with principles of person-centered care. The current study attempted to assess what the motivators are and how often these motivators occur. A questionnaire was developed and included 43 experiences that nursing staff may or may not experience in their day-to-work. Participants were asked to rank how important each item was using a 4-point Likert scale (not at all important to very important) and to rank how often each item occurs using a 4-point Likert scale (never to always). Results indicated that items related to person-centered care were the highest ranked items for importance and frequency, while support from administrators was ranked as important, but was occurring infrequently. These results have implications in terms of staff selection and staff training related to person-centered care.


Jeffrey Buchanan

Committee Member

Daniel Houlihan

Committee Member

Kathryn Elliott

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Arts (MA)




Social and Behavioral Sciences

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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