National Aerial Photography Program Air Photo Collection | Minnesota State University, Mankato Research | Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato

The National Aerial Photography Program was coordinated by the USGS to acquire black and white or color infrared air photos of the 48 contiguous states. In Minnesota, aerial imagery was collected from 1991-1992 and 1996-1998. The air photos have a scale of 1:40,000 and were taken at 20,000 feet above mean terrain with a 6-inch focal length lens. The flight lines follow a north-south direction.

To explore individual digitized air photos, use this Digital Map Library GIS Tool

These air photos are located at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Department of Geography and are usable under a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial License .


Browse the National Aerial Photography Program Air Photo Collection:

1992 Minnesota Air Photos (CN)