Awareness of Forensics and Growth of the Activities
"No, It Has Nothing to Do with CSI": Using Public Relations to Promote New Forensic Programs
Christopher J. Fenner
How is that Helpful?: An Analysis of Ballot Helpfulness
Janis K. Crawford and Gregory E. Moser
Perceptions of Past Competitors: Presentation of the Data
Leah White, Larry Schnoor, and Grant Anderson
The Liminal Graduate Student
Adam Gonzales-Weightman
Complete Volume
Conference Notes
Conference Notes
Daniel Cronn-Mills
Conference Schedules
Debate and IE Relationships
Challenges and Opportunities for Forensics Programs: Offering Debate and Individual Events
Edward A. Hinck
Education/Competitive Dualities
An Optimum Balance of Forensic Goals: Balancing Competitive and Educational Ends Through Forensic Honoraries
Scott Jensen
Re-examining Competition and Education in Collegiate Forensics: Establishing the Need for a Pedagogical Prerogative Perspective
Randy Richardson and Brendan B. Kelly
New Wine in Old Wineskins: Questioning the Value of Research Questions in Rhetorical Criticism
Richard E. Paine
Performing for the Audience: Putting the Public Back into Individual Events Training
Scott Wells and Denee Janda
Uncertainity in Spontaneity: Toward an Epistemic Impromptu
Michael Steudeman
Ethics and Forensics
A Christian Ethic For Coaches
George LaMaster
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Solidifying Inconsistencies in Judges' Preference
Anthony C. Cavaiani and David J. Nadolski
Etic vs. Emic Values in the Culture of Forensics
Richard E. Paine
Forensic Tournaments
Forensic Tournaments
Growth of Forensic Programs
Helping Programs Survive: Utilizing the Concepts of Sustainability as Viable Means of Program Growth
Brian R. Klosa
List of Attendees
Daniel Cronn-Mills
Perspectives on Forensics Research
Overcoming Obstacles to Scholarly Engagement
Edward A. Hinck
The Pitfalls, Perils, and Promise to Increasing Forensic Research
Daniel Cronn-Mills
Daniel Cronn-Mills
Roles of Directors of Forensics
Finding Strength in Numbers: A Collaborative Team Approach to Directing Forensic Programs
Scott Jensen, Gina Jensen, and Thomas Serfass
The Peoria Recommendations: Suggestions on Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation for Directors of Forensics
Michael Dreher