Publication Date
Document Type
Lightning Talk
Start Date
24-10-2014 3:45 PM
End Date
24-10-2014 5:00 PM
This presentation covers the creation of music cataloging procedures with accompanying OCLC macros. It will discuss some of the useful features and iterations of cataloging procedures and will connect specific procedures with OCLC macros, including the conversion of AACR2 records to RDA.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Burel, M. (2014, October 23-26). Streamlining music cataloging: Bringing together procedures and corresponding macros [Lightning talk]. 2014 OLAC-MOUG Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States.
Included in
Streamlining Music Cataloging: Bringing Together Procedures and Corresponding Macros
This presentation covers the creation of music cataloging procedures with accompanying OCLC macros. It will discuss some of the useful features and iterations of cataloging procedures and will connect specific procedures with OCLC macros, including the conversion of AACR2 records to RDA.